Archive for May 4th, 2010

May 4, 2010

Unique Linens Online Mothers Day gifts

Ask any mother what she wants for Mothers Day and most of the time you will get an answer about a day to do nothing.  Just a day to sit and read a favorite book or magazine, watch her favorite shows or laze around the house.  A day of doing nothing, no resposibilities, no stress, no worries.

Stone Tapestry Throw

We, at Unique Linens Online, can help you make her day come true by helping her relax while she is doing nothing.  Give her a Denali blanket to wrap up in while she kicks back.  The soft, cozy feel of our Denali throws will take her mind off her duties as she curls up with her favorite activity of the day.

Taupe Circles Throw

By days end she will be wanting to snuggle with the reasons she gets a day of celebration.  The cozy blankets are perfect for the whole family.  Once you experience the comforting feeling of the Denali, you will not be willing to give yours up…share maybe, but eventually everyone will want their own.

Get a Denali throw today for the favorite Mom in your life…she deserves it!!  Find all the options at