Archive for May 7th, 2010

May 7, 2010

Unique Linens Online honors mothers

Happy Mothers Day

Mothers:  Have you ever thought about what possesses a person to want to be a mother?  When I was in my twenties, I did not want kids, ever!  I was sure of it.  When my thirties rolled around, I suddenly found myself wanting children.  It is an odd feeling, and one not easily explained. 

A sensible person can look at the major responsibilities a new job offer may have and they are able to way the pros and cons.  They are able to determine if the job will pay well enough for the work load it requires.  A person whose clock suddenly begins to tick, loses all sensibility.  All we hear is the ticking, the constant ticking and we just want the ticking to stop.  So what do we do?  We have a child to stop the ticking.

Ever stop to think about why the clock ticks?  It is creating a noise barrier between common sense and the overwhelming desire to procreate.  Common sense would tell you NOT to want:  2 a.m. feedings, a conitnual fear that something is wrong,  constant question of your ability, midnight school projects, the opportunity to relive the awkward years or the sleepness nights of the dating period.  Common sense would say go with plan B….

But there’s this clock….this amazing, perpetual clock and it’s ticking.  It’s ticking takes your common sense, throws it out the window and makes you say, I want to be a Mom.  Amazing!  Words that change everything in your life….everything.   Nothing is ever the same again once you give in to the clock.

Even the clock changes.  The ticking made you want something unexplainable, and now that you have it, you want the clock to stop so you can enjoy every moment of what you now have. Now there is never enough time in one day to fit in all that you need to do before they grow up and move away.  The clock ticks.

Time will forever be changed, it will represent some of the greatest moments in your life: the 2 a.m feedings, the constant looking at the clock while you wonder if they are OK, the hours the school project took to complete and the sleepless nights of their first dates.  Stories of your future will begin with, “remember the time we,” and some of the greatest memorable moments of your life will be noted.

Why do we choose motherhood?  A clock ticks, we listen, and for a single moment, time stands still as a baby is placed in our arms.  At that moment, that single moment in time, the clock stops ticking, all is quiet and motherhood chooses us.

Thank you to all mothers, by choice or by consequence, for giving of yourself to be someones mom.  Happy Mother’s Day!